What if
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What if
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What if
Our learning systems were multi-generational?
Our education will include Our Elders.
Our youth will learn from Elders.
Our youth will be uplifted by Our Elders.
Our youth will teach us.
Our education will feel like home.
Our communities will heal.
Our youth will learn from family and community members.
Our youth will have parents that prioritize language.
Our stories will will be told over time.
Our youth will be teachers.
What if
local communities defined when and where learning takes place?
Our communities will have schedules that support Our culture.
Our Peoples will be empowered.
Our learning will happen everywhere.
Our education will reflect local stories and knowledge.
Our youth will learn to become future Elders.
Our learning will happen around the kitchen table.
Our education will value community contribution.
Our Peoples will connect with culture and each other.
Our youth will experience rites of passage.
Our learning will be centered on Our values.
What if
every child were culturally grounded and felt affirmed in their learning environment?
Our youth will know who they are.
Our youth will share their cultural pride.
Our Peoples will thrive.
Our youth will have a say in what they learn.
Our Alaska will see Our youth for who they are.
Our education will include more time with our family.
Our youth will have strong identities.
Our education will be individualized.
Our youth will feel confident in Our ways.
Our youth will tell Our stories in new ways.
What if
the future of education is Indigenous?
Our Peoples will hear Our names spoken.
Our youth will be respected as learners and teachers.
Our history will carry us into the future.
Our cultures will lift us up and propel us forward.
Our learning will be hands on.
Our education will reflect local stories and knowledge.
Our learning will connect our communities.
Our history will be valued.
Our lands and waters will be called by their original names.
Our education will feel like home.
What if
Our food systems were integrated into Our learning?
Our youth will feel confident in Our ways.
Our youth will learn on the land.
Our youth will learn from and provide for Elders.
Our communities will further Indigenize.
Our youth will be resourceful.
Our lands and waters will be healthier.
Our youth will be healthy.
Our Alaska will value Alaska Native ways of life.
Our Peoples will be proud of our traditional foods.
What if
Our learning reaffirmed Our connection to the land and water?
Our youth will learn on the land.
Our learning will happen everywhere.
Our lands and waters will be a part of Our identity and learning.
Our lands and waters will be acknowledged and honored.
Our lands and waters will be called by their original names.
Our youth will have survival skills.
Our youth will be prepared for climate change.
Our communities will work together.
Our communities will come together through tradition.
Our values will be included in tourism practices.
What if
Our Alaska Native languages, knowledge systems and ceremonies were the foundation of a comprehensive learning model?
Our education will be reflective of our land and community.
Our education will measure us by our own standards.
Our youth will feel confident in Our ways.
Our education will reflect local stories and knowledge.
Our youth will have ability to pass knowledge on.
Our cultures will be included in all subjects.
Our youth will learn their Native languages first.
Our communities will gather across all regions of Alaska.
Our education will wrap around students.
Our education will acknowledge that everyone learns differently.
What if
education were oriented toward the collective well-being of Our Peoples?
Our education will shape Native community leaders.
Our communities will heal through traditional values.
Our Alaska will treat each other with more kindness.
Our education will acknowledge the importance of mental health.
Our Peoples will feel safe and welcome in schools.
Our youth will learn from others' life stories.
Our communities will hold our kids at the center.
Our education will include lessons about survival.
Our Peoples will be connected to the land.
Our learning will include lessons from our traditional games.
What if
Our community values were reflected in Our teachers and administrators?
Our communities will grow Our own teachers.
Our Alaska will invest in immersion teacher training.
Our communities will connect with our teachers.
Our values will be practiced by all.
Our Peoples will unapologetically exist.
Our youth will be respected as learners and teachers.
Our youth will be taught in Our languages.
Our education will invest in our communities.
Our youth will be affirmed for who they are.
Our learning will be intentional.
What if
everyone were taught and understood the history of Our Peoples from a local Indigenous perspective?
Our Alaska will know Our real history.
Our stories will guide us.
Our Alaska will value all Our Native cultures and history.
Our Peoples will heal from generational trauma.
Our stories will teach us about where we are.
Our communities will know their Native histories.
Our Alaska will be more collaborative.
Our Ancestors will dance.
Our Peoples will no longer have to fight for Our sovereignty.
Our values will be remembered in our languages.
What if
we thought of ourselves as one People?
Our Peoples will learn from one another.
Our communities will take care of one another.
Our education will be inclusive.
Our Alaska will end prejudice.
Our communities will be crowded and rushed.
Our Peoples will recieve the love they deserve.
Our Peoples will receive the love they deserve.
Our Alaska will value Alaska Native ways of life.
Our stories will continue to reflect a colonized perspective.
Our Alaska will understand we are not monolithic.
What if
the future we seek is the past Our Ancestors had?
Our Ancestors will lead us.
Our education will include spiritual knowledge and values.
Our Peoples will trust ourselves.
Our youth will carry Our culture forward.
Our learning will include phyiscal work.
Our communities will be fully inclusive.
Our Peoples will live with purpose.
Our stories will decolonize us.
Our history will be valued.
Our youth will try new opportunities.
What if
we could all speak, think and dream in Our own languages?
Our Peoples will introduce themselves in Our Native languages.
Our Peoples will find power in learning Our languages.
Our communities will sing Our songs.
Our learning will live in our languages.
Our languages will save us.
Our languages will teach us where we come from.
Our communities will provide many opportunities to learn Our languages.
Our languages will reframe the way we interact with one another.
Our youth will have parents that are learning Our languages.
Our Peoples will find power in speaking Our languages.
What if
schools were a place where Alaska Native youth and families felt safe and welcome?
Our learning will give us opportunity.
Our youth will teach us.
Our education will make room for silence.
Our youth will be respected for who they are.
Our Peoples will communicate with teachers more.
Our education will support youth that have challenges.
Our Peoples will teach and live Our cultures.
Our Peoples will hear Our names spoken.
Our stories will come from a place of vulnerability.
Our education will not give up on youth that have challenges.
What if
technology honored Our values and reflected Our culture?
Our youth will create things that we haven't thought about.
Our learning will become more personal.
Our languages will be learned through gaming.
Our youth will be more engaged.
Our youth will tell Our stories in new ways.
Our learning will be at the tip of our fingers.
Our communities will further Indigenize.
Our communities will be more localized and self-sufficient.
Our stories will show growth and change.
Our education will be decolonized.